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The Library has sections for different ride days and some other options - the library will be added to over time. There is also a section for .pdf Forms.

All routes, .gpx, .pdf and other files are presented as is without warranty and are used at your own risk.

Please read the advice for riders and ride leaders notes in the Administration sub menu before riding.

Number of Categories: 3
folder_green.png Wednesday Rides Subcategories: 11 Files: 443

The Route Library sections 1 - 8 are based on the categories that Wednesday rides use to rotate (in numerical sequence each week) the broad direction of the rides - to accommodate the rider catchment area (and getting home!) 

The Ride Planner Map is at  http://www.heartofenglandcyclingclub.org.uk/index.php/riding-groups/ride-planner-map   REVISED, August 2022

Routes will usually be listed in the Library about 7 days before the event - the file format is: ddmmyy-START-LUNCH-NNMi (files are .gpx Tracks)

folder_green.png Sunday Rides Subcategories: 2 Files: 20
folder_green.png Forms Files: 3

A few forms as .pdf files to download.

Membership application is by default online ... we really don't want to get bogged down with paper!

E&OE - all routes, .gpx, .pdf and other files are presented as is without warranty.