Author Topic: Saturday 23 June 2018 Steve  (Read 306 times)


  • Administrator
Saturday 23 June 2018 Steve
« on: 28 June 2018, 15:07 »
With the Irish contingent still recovering from excess Guinness etc, at the start today there were just me and Tony (who isn't a member but often comes to the meet to chat). Tony mentioned a newly reopened cafe at Stratford Armouries but neither of us thought we'd be stopping at a cafe today. Being left to my own devices, inevitably I'd decided on a non-stop ride finishing at the Coach & Horses and we set off in different directions. I went via Lowsonford, Norton Lindsey and Snitterfield then just as I was descending the steep hill after the aforementioned Amouries I spotted Tony going in the other direction so turned round to join him for an unplanned coffee and a rather large slab of cake. I then went via Wilmcote, Aston Cantlow and Ullenhall to the Coach where I joined Graham who was already enjoying a pint of Marmalade plus one of the Irish contingent and two of the French Foreign Legion. So, what looked like it was going to be a non-stop lonely ride turned out to be neither.