Author Topic: French Trip June 2018  (Read 246 times)


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French Trip June 2018
« on: 28 June 2018, 14:34 »
Today's other F& F ride (that's Further afield & Frenchier) saw nine members tackle the arduous 28 miles from St Malo to Avranche, with a lengthy stop at Mont St Michel to see the abbey & surrounding island. One broken spoke & some saddle fettling kept Clive busy along the way.

Lovely ride along some very quiet coast roads to our second night’s stay in Avranches. We spent a few hours being tourists in Mont St Michel, a beautiful place. It was a bit of a grey day but we had a lovely ride.

Lunch on Thursday. This "truckers' stop" was recommended by our newbie Judith. Sensational value at €12.50 for help-yourself starters, choice of main, cheeseboard, dessert, wine and coffee. So good that we altered our plans and went back yesterday. Just as good plus complimentary Kir!!!

The International Tourists of the HoECC have enjoyed further cycling opportunities on the Cotentin Peninsula in northern France. Weather has been disappointing and the very heavy rain on Saturday morning kept us in the hotel until about midday when we ventured out to the market to get lunch and realised the rain had stopped. After eating our galette au saucisson (sausage pancake), we headed back to the hotel to get our bikes and do the day ride from 1.30 til 6.45. It was a hilly route, crossing various rivers, but we got to Coutances to visit the cathedral. (Why are they built on the top of hills!?)

Apparently this was the family home of the Nigels in the 12th century until William the Bastard decided he was revolting and cut off his prerogatives.
The ride was followed by the usual visit to a hostelry and restaurant with wonderful food and drink.
