Author Topic: Sunday June 3 2018 Capt. Dennis  (Read 273 times)


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Sunday June 3 2018 Capt. Dennis
« on: 05 June 2018, 21:42 »
I mentioned the word 'Hill' several times in yesterday's ride description but I was only kidding! Ruth even described it as 'the perfect Tandem route'. :)
After crossing the Avon at Bidford, Mick decided he needed a bacon sandwich at the Gliding Club while the rest of us opted for some most excellent Eccles cakes.
We then headed off to our intended target, the flatland between Bredon Hill and the Cotswolds. Picturesque villages like Childswickham, Aston Somerville, Wormington, Alderton and Beckford basked in the sunshine as we peddled effortlessly towards our lunch destination at Ashton Under Hill.
After lunch, Mick decided he had over done things in the food consumption area having devoured a large lunch in addition to his earlier indiscretion. 'My stomach feels a bit dodgy so you carry on' he proclaimed, so we did, arriving at the Coach by 4.45 for a thirst quenching pint of the Impossible. A bit like Simon Yates in the Giro, Mick arrived 38 minutes behind the peloton :)
Miles = 87. Hills = we seen lots, but they were all in the distance! Sunburns = some, should have put sunscreen on!!