Author Topic: Saturday 26 May 2018 Capt. Al by Steve  (Read 306 times)


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Saturday 26 May 2018 Capt. Al by Steve
« on: 05 June 2018, 21:37 »
There were six of us at the start of today's ride and it was agreed we'd get back to the Wharf by 5 to watch the big match. We headed south-east via Lowsonford to Norton Lindsey. As the group approached the turn for home near Aston Cantlow and, given it had turned into a warm sunny day, I decided I couldn't face watching the Villa lose so, on the basis I need to get the miles in, I turned south to visit Bidford and Welford before getting back to the Coach in time to not watch the second half while I enjoyed the remainder of the sunshine and the Old Hooky which was still on form. 63 miles in total of which 28 were before I headed off to do my own thing.