Author Topic: Wednesday 23 May 2018 Capt. Dennis  (Read 275 times)


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Wednesday 23 May 2018 Capt. Dennis
« on: 05 June 2018, 21:33 »
I was joined by four cyclists and some odd bloke riding a Rocket for yesterday's F&F ride.
The cyclists headed west and following 11s at Belbroughton, went around Kidderminster (via Wolverley) and over the Severn at Bewdley. Instead of using the main road to Clows Top we turned left after the river crossing taking us over the Bewdley bypass. At Liverage Ford the F&F became the S&S (Slow and Static) as, for the first time in recent memory, everyone had to walk up the other side.
A few chevrons later (all of which we cycled up) we arrived at the Bell in Pensax for doorstep sandwiches and of course, Three Tons beer. In the garden, JP and Dr Chris were bird spotting while the rest of us tried to work out which hills were in the far distance. Outside we noticed the Rocket was as slow as us, it's cycle satnav displaying an average speed of just 14mph.
The route back took us around Abberley and back over the river at Stourport. Here we tried a back route to avoid the busy B road to Hartlebury. It involved going past the fairground, over a lock gate on the canal, through a caravan park and industrial estate. There was a short section of rough road but it seemed to work out and we were soon on our standard route home via Elmley Lovett and Timberhonger.
Before tackling the seventh and final chevron of the day we stopped for refreshments at our usual haunt. :) 77 miles and 1,828 mts of climbing for me.